Paid Advertising - Do It Yourself Guide!

Are you ready to run your own ads?

Access this proven paid ads strategy that can help your business reach $10k month in online sales! Take the money you would put into paying an ads expert and do it yourself with this proven framework! 

We have helped hundreds of entrepreneurs run profitable ads on Google, Facebook and Instagram which can generate thousands of dollars in sales.

Call to action: Join The Paid Ads Bootcamp Now!

How do you know if this is right for you?

How would making at least $10k/mo online change your life?


Here's What Others Entrepreneurs Are Saying:

After going through this bootcamp you will have all of the skills needed to run your own EFFECTIVE ads that can generate sales for you from months on end.

- Step-by-step videos
- Reporting templates

So...what's included in this effective guide?

  1. Introduction to Digital Marketing:

    • Overview of digital marketing landscape
    • Importance of paid advertising in digital marketing
    • Setting marketing objectives and KPIs

  2. Understanding Paid Advertising Platforms:

    • Google Ads (Search, Display, Video, Shopping)
    • Social media advertising (Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads)
    • Other platforms (Amazon Ads, Bing Ads, LinkedIn, Twitter, Display Networks, etc.)

  3. Campaign Planning and Strategy:

    • Defining target audience and buyer personas
    • Keyword research and competitor analysis
    • Setting campaign goals and budget allocation
    • Creating a campaign timeline and content strategy

  4. Ad Copywriting and Design:

    • Writing compelling ad headlines and descriptions
    • Crafting effective calls-to-action (CTAs)
    • Designing engaging ad visuals and banners
    • A/B testing and optimization techniques

  5. Landing Page Optimization:

    • Importance of landing pages in paid advertising
    • Designing landing pages for conversions
    • Implementing persuasive elements (CTAs, testimonials, etc.)
    • Tracking and analyzing landing page performance

  6. Bidding and Budget Management:

    • Understanding bidding models (CPC, CPM, CPA)
    • Budgeting strategies and campaign optimization
    • Setting bid adjustments for different devices and locations
    • Monitoring and adjusting ad spend

  7. Ad Targeting and Audience Segmentation:

    • Demographic, geographic, and behavioral targeting
    • Custom and lookalike audience creation
    • Remarketing and retargeting strategies
    • Utilizing audience insights for better targeting

  8. Performance Tracking and Analytics:

    • Setting up conversion tracking and goals
    • Analyzing key metrics (impressions, clicks, conversions)
    • Interpreting campaign performance reports
    • Implementing tracking pixels and UTM parameters

  9. Campaign Optimization and Testing:

    • Split testing ad variations
    • Optimizing campaigns based on data analysis
    • Ad scheduling and budget allocation optimization
    • Monitoring and adjusting ad placements

  10. Remarketing and Retargeting:

    • Creating effective remarketing campaigns
    • Identifying remarketing opportunities
    • Implementing dynamic remarketing
    • Tailoring ads for retargeted audiences

  11. Ad Policy and Compliance:

    • Understanding platform policies and guidelines
    • Ad disapproval and how to resolve it
    • Maintaining compliance with legal and ethical standards

  12. Case Studies and Real-Life Examples:

    • Analyzing successful paid advertising campaigns
    • Examining different industries and approaches
    • Learning from common pitfalls and mistakes

Remember to adapt and update the course content regularly as the digital marketing landscape evolves. Additionally, hands-on exercises, quizzes, and practical assignments can enhance the learning experience and allow learners to apply their knowledge effectively.

This all sounds great! Who will be teaching this course?

Sarah Sheade, a digital marketing veteran who has spent millions of dollars in ads on Google, Facebook and Instagram for D2C brands.